By Eloisa Herrero
Early this week we received a call in our office informing us that Mayor Jay Dean would implement a program to help - mainly elderly and disabled people - beat the 100-degree weather. Great news for people in need of an air conditioning window unit!
It really caught my attention that several different sectors of the community such as government officials, nonprofit agencies, private companies and Longview residents were mobilized to make this program possible. That is a lot of people LIVING UNITED in Longview!
Mr. Dean mentioned in a news conference that the program was not going to solve the problem completely but it would help about 250 families. I think helping one family to deal with this heat is great, helping 250 families is awesome! Helping one family at the time is all it takes to advance the common good.
If we can beat the heat in Longview, we can beat anything if we LIVE UNITED!